When traveling in Indonesian Papua & Papua New Guinea in the early nineties to find downed WWII fighter aircraft several things happend.
The best was that the Lord finally got through to me (Dutch are known to be stubborn) and also that I fell in love with the Papuan people. In reaction to the new found love we build up a dive resort which enabled us to work with a team of Papuan people. Working in tourism besides enabled us to interact with the guests visiting this area. The goal continues to be, not just to make a living, but to share our love for the Lord with all we work with and meet.
We feel blessed with the many things we have learned so far and more and due to our interest in aviation more see the great need for Papuan people themselves to be involved in mission work as pilots mechanics.
This aviation need is due to the size of the Island of New Guinea and the diverse landscapes it exist off. Travelling is DIFFICULT with capital letters as Papua consist of LARGE swamps, mountains till 15.000 ft and all covered in dense jungle. To travel on land what takes 10 - 15 minute with a plane could easily be 3 - 4 weeks hiking under very difficult conditions. Without aircraft things go very slow in Papua.

Past Situation
Papua people for a large part have not had the opportunity to receive good education. Because of this there are almost no Papuan people involved in aviation. That on the one side and on the other there are still many people groups who have not even been reached. A lot of work specially for foreigners who do not speak the language, do not understand the culture and have difficulties facing the logistic challenges. Native people are much better suited for this work however supportive education has till now very much been lacking.
Together with the rest of the team we want educate native people to operate aircraft & helicopters to assist mission teams with their logistical needs. It is our strong believe that the Papuans themselves are the best equipped to serve their own people. Discipleship will always be the main focus of what we teach, however f2d next to that we all feel that we have been blessed with the skills & tools to train Papuan to become involved in mission aviation. Within the team we see the specific need for helicopters due to the nature of the terrain and our friendship with different mission organisations active in the area who need that form of transportation. It is our wish to serve those needs. In our case the area of focus what is called the Birds Head of Papua and also the area called the Neck of the Birds Head.
Please. pray for the initiative we are setting ourselves. We need guidance and wisdom!
PLEASE also consider joining us by coming to Papua to share your airplane building skills. In our case all work to rebuild 3 Bell 47G-3B-1 helicopters to maintain and to operate them. We believe your effort will be a life changing experience and win win for all. Be it a one time effort where you spend your holiday period assisting us in our hangar in Papua or when you make it a yearly occurrence or even take a Sabbatical and assist us for a longer period.
We also can use monetarily help for the purchase a set of M/R blades for our second & 3rd Bell 47 helicopters.
Thanks for taking time to look at what we are doing and please. open communication with us even just to morally support us!
It has been my own experience that since we started to focus on this aviation initiative we ave been greatly blessed!. We have been able to build a dedicated & well equipped hangar. The Lord is really amazing and it is our hope that you will come to that same conclusion when you join our effort!

Looking forward communicating with you to make this happen!
Blessings, Max Ammer